All Projects, Community, Government

Springvale Town Hall

Location: Springvale VIC
Mechanical Consultant: BRT Consulting
Contractor: Boyle & Grigg

Refurbishment works to the Springvale City Hall have now begun and will be transformed into the new community heart of Springvale. It will be a vibrant meeting place where people of all ages, backgrounds and interests feel welcome and can come together in a spirit of mutual respect, connection and celebration. World-class community facilities will combine with large, multipurpose green spaces to provide the perfect setting for learning, playing and relaxing.
With a complete makeover of the air conditioning equipment, five Air Handling Units were specified, two of which were a vertical configuration to suit the specific application. Ranging from 2000 l/sec to 10,000 l/sec, the AHU units were fitted with heating and cooling coils, deep bed filters, internal service lights, EC Plug fans and stainless steel drain trays.
Armcor was glad to be associated with this community project and supply the equipment to meet the specifications.
View installed equipment here