There are many areas that need attention as the children return to school. INDOOR AIR QUALITY is one of the most important ways to prevent the transmission of disease among students. Introducing fresh air, expels germs, virus, droplets and other infections of flu to protect the teachers and students and make your classroom a safe place for all.
It is the responsibility of every school administration to assure parents and staff that you have minimised the risk of infection when welcoming students back to school.
Current requirements set on by the Government all centre around social distancing and hygiene.
What cannot be overlooked is the fact that Australians now spend up to 90% of their time indoors often without adequate Fresh Air. It goes without saying that having clean air indoors is crucial for the health of the population as a whole in particular our vulnerable groups such as the elderly and our children.
School building require heating and cooling, but the fresh air components is often neglected, and the opening of windows is not used as the causes the comfort conditions to be compromised.
Where fresh air is absent, classroom air is recirculated, along with the health allergies that exist with children.
Fresh Air requirements are outlined by the Building Code of Australia and documented in the Australian Standard AS 1668 Part 2.
This existing standard requires the introduction of fresh air in buildings to be:
– For students up to 16 years of age – 12 l/sec per person
– For students over 16 years of age – 10 l/sec per person
Fresh Air has a very significant impact on Air Quality and where fresh air is absent classroom, air is recirculated with all the health allergies that exist with children.